What to Expect

Sunday Worship

Our Weekly Worship Service is held on Sunday's at 4806 Market Square Lane Midlothian, it begins at 11:00am and ends around 12:15pm.

Our typical Sunday Worship Service includes the following:

Arrival and Guest Helpers
When you arrive at church you will be greeted by a Guest Helper who is available to assist you and help direct you to wherever you need to go: The church meeting area, Daycare for Kids and Restrooms. They will also give you a Connection Card, Bulletin, Sermon Notes and a pen.

Prayer & Greeting
We begin in prayer and a time to meet some of our members 

This includes a mix of both contemporary music and hymns where individuals are encouraged to worship in whatever way they feel most comfortable and led by the Spirit.

A message relating directly to growing in your relationship with our Lord, Jesus Christ.

Response Time
This is a time to reflect and pray. Please keep in mind that God wants to set you free during this time!

This is a time to learn about some of the events going on in our community.

As a visitor, we simply encourage you to fill out a Connection Card and put it in the basket as it goes by. Members and regular attendees are invited to worship God by giving their tithes and offerings at this time.
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